This shows trees that where left to fall on there own thus taking a large amount of shoreline with the rootball.
Date: May 5th 2012
Location: Lake Allatoona
Project: Shoreline tree cutting and Fish Habitat project
The Big Shanty Bassmasters along with members from Allatoonabass.com, an internet fishing forum, got together and worked on a project that Ray Bowen from Allatoonabass.com has spearheaded since its inception in 2007.
The project, which has the Army Corp of Engineers and Georgia Department of Natural Resources approval, is two fold. One is to help Lake Allatoonas’ eroding shoreline by cutting shoreline trees that have roots exposed from years of heavy boat traffic and Two, to help our fish habitat by providing much needed shoreline cover.
After a safety meeting, cables where made that would be used to secure the cut trees to their stumps should the tree become separated during the cut. The group then set out to a predetermined location to begin the cutting.
After the days work Ray Bowen gave a status update on the project. ”Todays cut put 130+ new “Fish Attractors” and to date we have roughly 1700 shoreline habitats. The project is still far from being completed” he noted. Danny Perdue, Big Shanty Bassmasters President, committed the club to another cutting session to be held at later date. “This was one of those “feel good” projects and the club members I had present all decided to help out in another one.”
- Big Shanty Secretary Mike McMahon and Allatoonabass.com member Cliff Williams prepare cables used to secure the cut trees to the shore
- Allatoonabass.com member Cliff Williams and Big Shanty Bassmaster Lester Taylor approach a tree that meets the criteria for cutting
- Securing the cut tree so it won’t float away and become a boating hazard
- This shows trees that where left to fall on there own thus taking a large amount of shoreline with the rootball.